Monday, August 24, 2009

Maternity Session

This weekend, I shot my first maternity session for a friend who is expecting in a few weeks....actually right around my due date from a year ago.....  But I digress.  We went to a park near her home & also took some shots in the nursery.  I tried using some of my baby's blocks as a prop to spell out the baby's name - his name will be Cristian (with an accent over the a, but I don't know how to do that on blogger!).  It's a Brazilian name, since she is originally from Brazil.  I was really pleased with how they turned out & it was REALLY hard to narrow it down to my favorites to put on the blog.  So, here are the ones I selected as some of my favorites from the shoot.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Toddling Around

Today I had the opportunity to photograph a 2 year old boy around a local park with a beautiful lake loaded with geese in the background.  It was my first shoot of a toddler, as I needed some toddlers & also some boy pics for my portfolio.  He is all boy - running, getting sweaty, climbing trees, and not too interested in posing for me!  And I was interested to see that he turns away from the camera just as much or more than my almost 1 year old!  I guess that doesn't get better for a while!  OH yeah - and he wanted to wear his rain boots.....but his mom said, maybe it'll work because toddlers are quirky anyways!  Here's some of my fave shots from today:

11 Month Shots

Well, we're one month away (actually less) from the big 1.0 years!  Here's our last installment of some photos of my little girl before the big year mark.